As the guardian of your values,

" The most effective insurance you can take against
counterfeiting or unauthorised diversion
is the implementation of Contrast technologies. "

As the guardian of your values,

" The most effective insurance you can take against
counterfeiting or unauthorised diversion
is the implementation of Contrast technologies. "

As the guardian of your values,

" The most effective insurance you can take against
counterfeiting or unauthorised diversion
is the implementation of Contrast technologies. "

As the guardian of your values,

" The most effective insurance you can take against
counterfeiting or unauthorised diversion
is the implementation of Contrast technologies. "


Public demand for branded consumer merchandise has grown dramatically over the past 5 years due in the main to effective global marketing.

As this demand has grown, so too has the temptation to produce counterfeit merchandise bearing famous trademarks, passing these off as genuine. The production of counterfeit merchandise is now a massive global industry in its own right, stealing revenue and degrading the value of well known brand names.

To fight this we arm manufacturers with invisible methods of verifying genuine product from fake, instantly, whenever merchandise is discovered. This can lead to the closing down of illegal operations.


A more recent and ever increasing issue, is that of unauthorised product diversion (or grey market) into markets where the established retail prices are then slashed.Where this occurs authorised stockists become upset and the perceived value of the trademark becomes devalued. This may lead to stockists changing to rival brands and deterioration of consumer loyalty and aspiration to attain the trademark at previously established prices.

Diverters remain undetected by removing bar codes, or eradicating ultra violet markings.

However as Contrast identifications are completely invisible, difficult for diverters to remove what they do not see.By duplicating bar code numbers in such invisible way, when the diverted product is discovered it can immediately be traced back to the grey link in the distribution chain.


Another potential problem is that of Unauthorised Production in licensed Production Plants.

Contrast Technologies can help with both control improvements and the identification of such unauthorised production.